Iowa Bankruptcy Lawyer

How we can assist you...

The Firm will first provide you with a questionnaire, and explain what is needed to file the bankruptcy. The Firm will use the information generated in the questionnaire to create Chapter 7 schedules that are required by the bankruptcy court. In the process, the Firm will work with you to help ensure that you are eligible for Chapter 7, and that your schedules are accurate. The Firm will file your schedules electronically, and provide you with all notices from the bankruptcy court that follow. The Firm will then represent you in the First Meeting of Creditors, where you will answer questions under oath for the bankruptcy trustee assigned to your case, and any creditors who may appear. The Firm will assist you with any motions filed by creditors and, if need be, represent you in adversary proceedings. The Firm will work hard to avoid those proceedings by working with you to make sure your answers are deadly accurate. But, if problems do arise, the Firm has the experience to represent you . When you receive your discharge, the firm will then follow-up with you by providing a letter explaining your rights at discharge.

Getting Started...

If you would like to begin consultation on Bankruptcy filings, contact us to set up an appointment.

Contact the Fernandez Law Firm today...

Divorce | Child Custody | Bankruptcy | Wills, Powers of Attorney, Medical Directives | Personal Injury | Litigation

© 2025, Fernandez Law Firm.
This firm is a 'debt relief agency' under the United States Bankruptcy Code.
This firm helps people file for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code.
Website by Vieth Consulting