may be a lot of attorneys who can settle your case at the “front
end,” but who do not have the time, the desire or the experience,
to go to trial.
At the same time, not every case goes to trial. In fact, more than
half of the cases filed settle beforehand. The issue is whether the
settlement fairly represents the value of the case, and its relative
strengths and risks.
You should consider the experience of the attorney who represents
There are myriad rules involved, governing issues as seemingly (though
not necessarily) mundane as the proper identification of your opposition
and the service of your lawsuit on the proper party (or parties), to
the following of court orders with respect to discovery and the naming
of experts, deposing witnesses and ultimately preparing legal memoranda
for a judge, preparing jury instructions, trying your case, and if necessary,
filing appeals.
The Fernandez Law Firm brings with it more than a decade of experience
in Iowa litigation.
Joseph W. Fernandez began his career as a Law Clerk to the Hon. Senior
Judge Donald E. O’Brien, Federal jurist for the Northern District
of Iowa. During his tenure as a law clerk, Mr. Fernandez personally
watched more than 150 jury or bench trials. He read and prepared jury
instructions for Judge O’Brien. He did legal research for Judge
O’Brien and wrote draft opinions. After his clerkship, Mr. Fernandez
was associated with one of the five law firms that represented the State
of Iowa against the Tobacco Industry. He was responsible, not only for
engaging in discovery in that complex litigation, but for researching,
drafting and revising every motion and brief issued by the Attorney
Genera, the result of which produced literally millions of dollars for
the State of Iowa. A former colleague of Mr. Fernandez, who is a past
president of the Iowa Association for Justice, described Mr. Fernandez
in 1996 as “the finest legal writer and researcher I have experienced
in my 22 years of practice.”
Mr. Fernandez has the experience and credentials to go from beginning
to end with your case. At the same time, his breadth of experience allows
him to be pragmatic, and to give you a fair assessment of your case
and its value. But in the end, it is important to understand that Mr.
Fernandez will not knowingly or willingly shortchange you for a “quick
buck.” He is not afraid to go to trial.
Getting Started...
If you are interested in pursuing litigation, contact us to set up
an appointment.
Contact the Fernandez Law Firm today...