Des Moines Divorce Lawyer

The decision to obtain a divorce may be the most difficult one a person faces. Matters regarding financial support, child support, child custody, visitation and a fair sharing of both debts and liabilities need to be addressed and dealt with. It's critical to find a third party to protect you, and to protect the best interests of your children.

Joseph W. Fernandez is a Des Moines Divorce Lawyer who can help..

With its professional experience, as well as the maturity of its owner, the Firm can assist in all of these areas, while empathizing with your situation.

Getting Started...

If you are in the Des Moines area and would like to begin consultation on Divorce, contact us to set up an appointment.

Contact the Fernandez Law Firm today...


Divorce | Child Custody | Bankruptcy | Wills, Powers of Attorney, Medical Directives | Personal Injury | Litigation

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This firm is a 'debt relief agency' under the United States Bankruptcy Code.
This firm helps people file for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code.
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